"Marching Forward" - A comprehensive programme launched at CIRS towards guiding our class X and XII students in making right decisions by choosing the appropriate stream, college and career according to their aptitudes and interests.
Under this program, a number of sessions are planned and designed to suit the needs of the children. They are......
- Know Thyself (Aptitudes and Attitudes) – Swami Swaroopanandaji
- Discussion cum Activity - Swami Anukoolanandaji
- School Policies on Admission - Principal
- An Insight into Careers – Shiv Dewan of One Step Up
- Don’t Miss out - Scope of Science, Management and IB
- Admissions Abroad – Madam Sandipa & Mrs. Geeta Pradiwalla
- Where are Our Alumni?
- Voice of Alumni – (Via Skype, e-mail, Meeting)
- Parents as resource in career guidance
A brief report on the activities undertaken is given below.
Date: 22.07.13
Swamiji inaugurated this program and blessed the students of class 10 and 12. He emphasised on making the right choices in life and choose a career according to ones swabhava.
Date: 23.07.13
Hariom Jani, our alumni, who passes out of CIRS in 2007 and presently an assistant professor at National University of Singapore, had a Skype session with our science students of class 12 (CBSE and IB). He focused his address to the students on the following three points:
# Long term Goals
# Short Term Goals
# University Perspective
After the address, there was a Q & A from the students.

Date: 23.07.13 to 24.07.13
Mr. Shiv Diwan from One Step Up, came to our school and addressed the students of class 10 and 12. Through presentation and discussion, he touched upon various careers, their strength and weakness, the eligibility criterias, the entrance and admission procedures and their future prospects and cost involved. He gave various insight into different career modules and the careers touched upon were as follows: Actuarial Science, Medicine, Engineering , Civil Services, Law, MBA etc.

Date: 25.07.13
Mr. Roy, a parent of our school, who had served in the Air Force, had addressed our class 10, 11 & 12 science / engineering students on career in Air Force. He differentiated between being a pilot in Commercial airlines and Air Force. He also discussed in-depth the whole procedure for recruitment – eligibility, subject requirement, physical fitness etc. and the career prospects in this field.He inspired the students, cleared their doubts during a Q & A session at the end.

Sachin, alumni of our school, who passed out in 2009 and was also the dean of CIRS is esently studying in National University of Singapore doing a management course. He addressed our XII Management students about the various prospect of Commerce Stream. He also guided the students on the admission procedure for the foreign university, especially for CBSE stream and explained the differences in terms of teaching and learning in foreign university compared to Indian universities. He also spoke about managing his time in CIRS and how he excelled in his board exams. He shared his personal views on how CIRS helped him in his personal growth.

Manish Pariaswamy, alumni of our school, who passed out from CIRS in 2009 is presently into his last year of MBBS. He addressed the medicine students of our senior school. He also spoke about the course requirements and admission procedures in various medical colleges in India and abroad.Both of them were able to relate to the students and answer their questions appropriately.
All the students appreciated these sessions and requested for more such sessions in the future.
Looking at the response of the students, we have planned more such session involving variety of resource people.
Date: 29.07.13 to 01.08.13
Swami Swaroopanandaji took sessions for our class X students from 29th July to 1st Aug from 7:15 to 8.00 am. He spoke on the topic of "KNOW THYSELF." Swamiji used activities, stories, real case studies to discuss about knowing one's own aptitude and attitude. He also gave students few reflective questions to know themselves better. Students enjoyed these sessions and benefitted from them immensely.
Date: 30.07.13
As a part of career guidance programme, the representatives of the following universities visited our school at 2.30 PM on Tuesday, 30th July 2013 for presenting about the admission and other facilities for the following Universities:
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- University of Iowa
- Kansas State University
- University of Kansas
- university of Missouri
All the 1st & 2nd year IB students and interested students of XI & XII CBSE attended this session.
The representation by the Admissions officers of the aforementioned Universities has been very interactive and also very informative. Students could go and meet the representatives on a one-to-one mode of interaction.
Mr. Girish from the International Knowledge Centre introduced them and then they presented the representatives addressed the students about their specialities. Then followed the intense question answer session where students addressed their doubts and queries directly to the officers.
The officers were very satisfied with their interaction and have left a number of brochures for starting inquiry into colleges at the 9th & 10th grade levels.

Date: 16.08.13
Our Principal, Smt. Shanti Krishnamurthy addressed the class 10 students on CIRS norms and procedures for admission of students to class 11. She also emphasized the importance of academic performance and conduct as the basic criteria for admission of any student to any school. She motivated the students to perform well in not only their formatives but also their upcoming SA exams.
She also clarified doubts and queries of the students pertaining to School Based exam or Board exam, subject combinations in class 11, difference between IB and CBSE, etc.
Students were enriched by this session and gained clarity on various issues.

Date: 02.09.13
Mr. Sridhar, a parent of our school, addressed the management students of senior school on ‘Acquisition and Mergers’. He, being into this field with many years of experience, gave an insight into the real world issues in business and economics. Students were enthralled as they learnt so much more as this session supplemented their theoretical knowledge of the subject.
His friendly approach, usage of PowerPoint and real world examples made the topic quite interesting. He also clarified the doubts of the students and encouraged them to go beyond the textbooks.

Date: 02.09.13
Smt. Saranya, our Academic Administrator spoke on CCE and the various components integrated in it through a wonderful presentation. She explained the weightage of the formative and summative assessments in the overall CGPA. She also mentioned the various scholastic and co-scholastic skills incorporated in the final report card and their importance.
At the end of the session, she also clarified a number of doubts raised by the students.
The session benefited the students as they understood the components of CCE and the grading system.
Date : 10.09.2013
As a part of career guidance programme, the representatives of North American Universities visited our school 3.30 PM on Tuesday, 10th September 2013 to interact with students who are interested in pursuing studies abroad. They were from the following universities:
- University of South Carolina - No 1 International Business Program Ranked above Harvard
- University of Arizona - 3 Nobel Prize winners in the field of physics
- University of Oregon - 2 Nobel Prize winners and alumni includes Co - Founder and Chairman of Nike
- University of California Riverside - 1 Nobel prize winner in the field of Chemistry
- University of California Irvine - IUPP - 2 Nobel prize winners in the field of Physics and 1 in the field of chemistry
- Miami University - Notable Alumni - Benjamin Harrison former President of the US
- Hobart and William Smith College - Ranked by Forbes as one of the best schools in Nation
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Hawaii Pacific University - Highly accredited Marine biology program
- Savannah College of Art and Design - Leading Art and Design School
- Concordia University - Highly ranked Sports Management program
- Saint Louis University
All the senior school students attended this session.
Mr. Ganesh from the KIC UnivAssist gave a brief introduction about international education and the representatives presented the highlights of their universities and courses offered.
After this session, the students had an opportunity to get information on admissions and clear their doubts by visiting the stalls put up by these universities in the Dwaraka Block.

Ms Geeta Pardiwalla with many years of career counseling experience and excellent placement record along with Mr E.Ganesh, IB Diploma Coordinator and Madam Sandipa, Head of Dept. of English, make every effort to ensure best possible college placements for each student passing grade 12 (IB Diploma and CBSE).
- Presentation to parents and students on higher education in different countries highlighting the costs, benefits and limitations.
- Counselor's meeting with parents on one-to-one basis to understand the family background like lifestyle, budget for higher education, cultural values, etc.
- Counselor's meeting with individual student to assess the student's interests, academic potential, career plan, special talents, extra-curricular achievements, etc.
- Preparing the preliminary list of suitable colleges after evaluating all the factors.
- Guiding students about various entrance tests, registration and preparation for them.
- Helping students with application process.
- Generating the supporting documents like grade transcripts, school reports, school profile, etc. and sending them to various colleges and universities.
- Helping parents and students in selecting the best college from various offers of admission.
- The School organizes training for the calss 11 and 12 CBSE students for preparation for the All India Engineering Entrance Examination. The School also organizes mock test series for these competitive exams.
- The School also organizes in-house training for SAT test preparation in Enlgish and Mathematics. Wherever possible, students are also offered support for preparing for the SAT subject tests.